
Verb-Juggling PRO

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How much does it cost?

You can download our app and get unlimited access for a fixed monthly fee of 12€/month (or 6€/month if you choose the annual subscription). No extra costs. No contracts.

How do I cancel?

Within your first month, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee to try out the program risk-free. After that guarantee period, to cancel your subscription, just send me an email.

There are no contracts, no commitments and no cancellation fees. Just email me and I cancel your account anytime. No questions asked.

How will I get access to the app?

Once you sign up, you'll be automatically redirected to a site which gives you step-by-step instructions on how to download our app and get started.

Verb-Juggling PRO

Unlimited access to the Verb-Juggling episodes.

Listen anywhere. Cancel anytime.

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