I'd like to help you kickstart your German and grow your confidence in speaking in less than 3 months starting TODAY, spending just 10 minutes a day while commuting to work!  

Hi, I’m Manuel aka "Herr Professor".

I’m an engineer by trade and a native German and Spanish speaker.  

Years ago some colleagues that had to move to Germany for work asked me whether German is a difficult language to learn. I said: “Of course not, it’s actually easier than English”:-)  

In order to keep my word, I made it my first priority as an engineer to design a learning program for busy professionals to show that their German can become as good as their German speaking colleagues’ English in just a fraction of time and energy the latter have spent.

Imagine having a personal language coach that takes care of your busy working schedule and accompanies you every day on your commute to work so you won't need to waste one extra minute of your valuable time and he'll help you gain each day:  

  • More confidence in expressing yourself in German
  • Become more accurate with this weird German grammar
  • And improve your German accent  

Without Reading, Without Writing!  

Just focusing on becoming fluent and confident in SPEAKING.  

I want to be that coach for you! :-)  

Join 10.000+ Busy Professional Expats and get my FREE daily podcast lessons based on my 1on1 coaching sessions with my students. 

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