
Riyas, Technical Consultant living in Stuttgart (Germany)

"My work meetings are now in German. I manage to explain almost everything in German. When it gets really complicated, I switch to English for a short while and then I switch back to Deutsch." 

Alexey, Director of Growth living in Berlin (Germany)

"I became a big fan of some contemporary podcasts in German for Germans (Eine Stunde Historie z.B.) that I listen to and understand without any issues." 

Dan, Computer Science Student at RWTH Aachen (Germany)

"In most situations I feel just as comfortable with German as I do with English, even though I have been learning the latter for more than 12 years now.”  


A step-by-step course for Advanced Students to go through the complete German grammar curriculum from A1 to C2, reviewing quickly the beginner (A1/A2) and intermediate (B1/B2) topics and digging deep into the advanced (C1/C2) topics.

A course focused on “Pro” vocabulary like “Präpositionalverben” and “Nomen-Verb-Verbindungen” and laying the foundation to learning how to learn advanced German based on real German articles, media and content to finally become fluent and confident on a business setting.

In "Advanced German for Advanced Students" you'll get access to my two most advanced Modules of the "From Zero to C1" program, B2 and C1.

Now these are not "normal" B2 and C1 modules.

We already covered the grammar curriculum till B2 in my A1, A2 and B1 modules of my program "From Zero to C1".

In the B2 and C1 Modules, on each level, we'll focus on one core grammar topic, "Pro" vocabulary, and one key topic based on a German article or media.

We'll recap on each grammar topic the things you already learned till B2 in my A1, A2 and B1 modules of "From Zero to C1" and complete it with the new concepts that are still missing so we can close the chapter on this topic.

This way, after going through the 15 levels of B2 and the 15 levels of C1, we will have covered the complete grammar curriculum from A1 to C2.

Here's what you’ll learn in the next 30 weeks at B2 and C1

In the B2 Module, over the course of 15 weeks, you’ll get access to 15 thorough lessons. Each week I’ll be opening a new lesson where you’ll be able to learn key structures and vocabulary to become better and better at expressing yourself at an advanced level.

Here are some of the key structures you’ll learn in each level:

B2 Level 1  

  • Present tense (recap): Ich arbeite in Berlin.
  • Past tenses (recap): Ich habe in Berlin gearbeitet.
  • Future tense Futur I (recap): Ich werde in Berlin arbeiten.
  • Future perfect Futur II: Ich werde in Berlin gearbeitet haben.  

B2 Level 2  

  • Subjective meaning of modal verbs: Du magst Recht haben.
  • Modal verbs in the past: Ich habe gut kochen können.
  • Verbs used alike modal verbs: Ich lerne jetzt kochen.  

B2 Level 3  

  • Reflexive verbs and pronouns recap: Ich dusche mich jeden tag.
  • Reflexive verbs with dative pronouns: Ich kann mir den Satz nicht merken.
  • Real reflexive verbs: Ich konzentriere mich auf die Arbeit.
  • Reflexive passive verbs with lassen: Ich lasse mir das Bein operieren.  

B2 Level 4  

  • Accusative verbs (recap): Ich esse einen Salat.
  • Nominative verbs (recap): Ich werde der neue Abteilungsleiter.
  • Dative verbs (recap): Ich helfe der Frau.
  • Genitive verbs: Sein Verhalten bedarf einer Erklärung.
  • Verbs with 2 objects: Wir verdächtigen seine Frau der Tat.
  • Verbs with prepositions ("Phrasal" verbs): Ich muss an meine Familie denken. 

B2 Level 5  

  • Processual passive (recap): Das Auto wird gewaschen.
  • Processual passive in the Perfekt: Das Auto ist gewaschen worden.
  • Processual passive in the Plusquamperfekt: Das Auto war gewaschen worden.
  • Passive with modal verbs in the past: Das Auto hat nicht gewaschen werden können.
  • Statal passive (recap): Die Tür ist geschlossen.
  • Verbs that can not be used in the statal passive: Der Mann ist auf der Straße gesehen worden.
  • Passive substitution: Das Auto lässt sich waschen.  

B2 Level 6  

  • Imperative form (recap): Repariere das Auto!
  • Imperative for wir: Gehen wir doch ins Kino!
  • Conjunctive II (recap): Wenn wir deine Eltern nicht besucht hätten, wären wir zu Hause geblieben.
  • "Pure" verb form of Conjunctive II : Wir führen gern im August nach Spanien.
  • Conjunctive II in the passive: Das Auto würde gewaschen.
  • Conjunctive II in the passive and past: Das Auto wäre gestern gewaschen worden.
  • Conjunctive II in the passive, past and with modal verbs: Das Auto hätte gewaschen werden können.  

B2 Level 7  

  • Conjunctive I for reported speach: Er sagt, er habe kein Auto.
  • Irregular verb-forms of Conjunctive I: Er sagt, er sei nicht zu Hause.
  • Substitution with Conjunctive II: Sie sagen, sie hätten kein Auto.
  • Past of Conjunctive I : Er sei oft nach England geflogen.
  • Conjunctive I in the passive: Das Auto werde gewaschen.
  • Conjunctive I in the passive and past: Das Auto sei gewaschen worden.
  • Conjunctive I in the passive, past and with modal verbs: Das Auto hätte nicht gewaschen werden können.  

B2 Level 8  

  • Temporal dative prepositions to express time: Ab dem nächsten Jahr arbeiten wir nur 35 Stunden pro Woche.
  • Local dative prepositions to express a location: Er ist bei seinen Kindern.
  • Modal dative prepositions to express how: Der Tisch ist aus dunklem Holz.
  • Causal dative prepositions to express a reason: Aus Liebe habe ich dich geheiratet.
  • Concessive dative prepositions to express a concession: Außer dir kenne ich niemanden in Deutschland.
  • Conditional dative prepositions to express a condition: Bei schlechtem Wetter gehe ich nicht raus.
  • Adversative dative prepositions to express a contradiction: Entgegen deiner Meinung bin ich gegen Elektroautos.
  • Final dative prepositions to express a purpose: Sie sagte das zu seiner Beruhigung.
  • Dative prepositions in fixed expressions: Sein Wissen steht außer Frage.
  • Dative prepositions in passive voice: Das Kind wird vom Arzt untersucht.  

B2 Level 9  

  • Temporal accusative prepositions to express time: Wir bleiben in Berlin für einen Monat.
  • Local accusative prepositions to express a location: Wir müssen den Weg entlang gehen.
  • Modal accusative prepositions to express how: Durch hartes Training kannst du deine Leistung verbessern.
  • Causal accusative prepositions to express a reason: Ihre Handlungen sind gegen die Abmachung!
  • Final accusative prepositions to express a purpose: Ich lerne Deutsch für mein Studium.
  • Accusative prepositions to express a value: Ich arbeite nicht für dieses Geld.
  • Accusative prepositions in fixed expressions: Ich zeige dir Deutsch Schritt für Schritt.  

B2 Level 10  

  • Temporal 2-way prepositions to express time: An jedem Sonntag gehe ich mit meiner Familie essen.
  • Local 2-way prepositions to express a location: Ich hänge das Bild an die Wand.
  • Modal 2-way prepositions to express how: Auf welcher Sprache sprichst du?
  • Conditional 2-way prepositions to express a condition: An deiner Stelle würde ich das Auto nicht kaufen.
  • Causal 2-way prepositions to express a reason: Unter diesen Voraussetzungen will ich hier nicht arbeiten.
  • 2-way prepositions to express a value: Es waren gestern an die 100 Personen in der Besprechung.
  • 2-way prepositions to express a figurative meaning: Ich stelle mich hinter deine Entscheidung.  

B2 Level 11  

  • Temporal genitive prepositions to express time: Anlässlich des Todes von Bruce Lee wiederholte das Fernsehen seine besten Filme.
  • Local genitive prepositions to express a location: Wir wohnen abseits der Stadt.
  • Modal genitive prepositions to express how: Anhand des Beispiels lässt sich das Problem sehr gut erkennen.
  • Causal genitive prepositions to express a reason: Angesichts der Situation müssen wir sofort handeln.
  • Genitive prepositions to express an alternative: Anstelle des Chefs werden Sie an der Verhandlung teilnehmen.  

B2 Level 12  

  • Temporal genitive prepositions to express time: Während des Sommers ist es sehr heiß.
  • Local genitive prepositions to express a location: Oberhalb dieser Grenze nehmen wir keine Studenten mehr an.
  • Modal genitive prepositions to express how: Laut einer Studie sind nur 50% der Deutschen glücklich.
  • Genitive prepositions to express a concession: Ungeachtet der Schwierigkeiten werden wir nicht aufgeben.
  • Causal genitive prepositions to express a reason: Infolge des schlechten Wetters sollten wir heute zu Hause bleiben.
  • Final genitive preposition to express a purpose: Um der Kinder willen habe ich dieses Haus gekauft.
  • Genitive prepositions to express an alternative: Statt der Uhr habe ich meiner Frau Rosen geschenkt.  

B2 Level 13  

  • Participle I used as an adjective: Die Musik ist entspannend.
  • Adding adjective endings when the participle I is in front of a noun: Die entspannende Musik.
  • Partizip I to describe two simultaneous actions: Das lernende Kind sitzt auf dem Sofa.
  • Partizip I as an alternative form for the passive voice: Die zu lernenden Vokabeln sind in der Lektion 2.  

B2 Level 14  

  • Participle II used as an adjective: Mein gebuchtes Hotel war sehr günstig.
  • Participle II to shorten sub-clauses with wenn: Langfristig gedacht ist es besser das Geld zu investieren.
  • Participle II to shorten sub-clauses with als: In Paris angekommen sind wir zuerst ins Hotel gefahren.
  • Participle II to shorten sub-clauses with obwohl: Obwohl gerade gekündigt hat er schon eine neue Stelle gefunden.
  • Participle II to shorten sub-clauses with nachdem: Von seinem Chef bestätigt hat er die Leitung des Projekts akzeptiert.
  • Participle II to shorten relative-clauses: Das Hotel, günstig gebucht, war sehr schön.  

B2 Level 15  

  • Nominative pronouns: Er hat seiner Frau den Ring geschenkt.
  • Accusative pronouns: Er hat ihn seiner Frau geschenkt.
  • Dative pronouns: Er hat ihr den Ring geschenkt.
  • Genitive pronouns: Ich entsinne mich deiner, aber ich entsinne mich nicht ihrer.
  • Formal pronouns: Ich möchte Sie fragen, ob Sie Ihre Email nochmal senden können?
  • Indefinite pronouns: Ich kenne niemanden hier.

The B2 Module includes:

For each of the 15 lessons in B2 you’ll get access to:

  • A 50-minute "Key Learning" podcast I’ve recorded with another student so you can internalise those weird German structures listening to another student who is at the exact same level, going through the same challenges and learning at the same pace as you
  • A second 50-minute "Key Learning" podcast I’ve recorded with another student so you get an additional perspective
  • A 3-page PDF Cheat sheet so you can quickly recap the complete lesson not with stilted linguistic explanations but in plain English
  • A 50-minute "Pro Vocab" podcast where I go through approx. 20 new "Phrasal verbs/Noun-Verb-constructions" per lesson, explaining and dissecting them, and putting them into context with sample sentences so you can grow your vocabulary while commuting to work
  • A second 50-minute "Pro Vocab" podcast I’ve recorded with another student so get an additional perspective
  • A PDF Cheat sheet so you can quickly recap the complete vocab list and some sample sentences
  • A 50-minute "Key Learning Technique" podcast where you'll "learn how to learn" as an advanced student by following me and other advanced students along how we discuss real German articles and media.
  • A 50-minute podcast “German with Herr Professor” with open and fun conversations in German with other students. This podcast will help you learn to express a lot of new things and overcome many struggles you still may share with other students at your level

Special Goethe exam preparation package for your official B2 exam  

In order to prepare you step-by-step for your official B2 exam (in case you want to take it) I've added at each level additional resources so you don't feel overwhelmed by the end of B2.  

This way, step-by-step you can get a feel of what is expected and how to prepare for it so once you're finished with the B2 Module you will be ready for the exam as well.  

And, at B2 Level 15 you'll get a complete guide to walk you through a sample exam.

I've included a special podcast series with another student to guide you step-by-step through a sample mock exam and the exercises for the reading, listening, writing and speaking part.

In the complete B2 Module, there are 60+ hours of listening material, 60+ pages of cheat sheets to learn 60+ advanced structures and 300+ advanced expressions.

Here's what you’ll learn at C1

C1 Level 1


  • allerdings: Da hast du allerdings recht! (Zustimmung)
  • bloß: Wenn ich bloß aufgepasst hätte. (Irrealer Wunsch)
  • halt: Das ist hier halt so. (Feststellung)
  • immerhin: Immerhin ist er gekommen. (Erwähnung)
  • ruhig: Bewerben sie sich ruhig. (Ermunterung)   

C1 Level 2  


  • sondern: Ich habe kein Auto, sondern ich habe ein Fahrrad. 
  • nicht nur…sondern auch: Ich habe nicht nur ein Auto, sondern auch ein Fahrrad. 
  • zwar…aber: Zwar habe ich ein Auto, aber ich fahre meistens mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit. 

C1 Level 3  


  • dagegen: Peter arbeitet im Büro, dagegen arbeitet Hans von zu Hause aus. 
  • nämlich: Hans arbeitet von zu Hause aus, er sieht nämlich so seine Kinder öfter. 
  • demzufolge: Hans lernt jeden Tag Deutsch, demzufolge spricht er auch schon sehr gut Deutsch. 
  • gleichwohl: Hans arbeitet nicht viele Stunden, gleichwohl verdient er mehr Geld als Peter. 
  • davor: Wir essen um 12 Uhr, davor hole ich die Kinder von der Schule ab

C1 Level 4  


  • wohingegen: Peter arbeitet im Büro, wohingegen Hans von zu Hause aus arbeitet. 
  • zumal: Peter arbeitet heute nicht im Büro, zumal er an der Besprechung mit dem Kunden teilnimmt
  • sofern: Sofern die Besprechung nicht stattfindet, kommt Peter wieder ins Büro. 
  • Gesetz den Fall: Gesetz den Falldass die Besprechung nicht stattfindet, kommt Peter wieder ins Büro. 
  • selbst wenn: Hans verdient mehr Geld als Peter, selbst wenn er weniger Stunden arbeitet

C1 Level 5  


  • wegen: Ich bin wegen meines verpassten Terminnoch nicht geimpft. 
  • aufgrund: Ich bin aufgrund meiner starken Kopfschmerzen nicht zur Arbeit gegangen. 
  • aus: Aus Mitleid hat er ihm geholfen. 
  • vor: Vor Wut ist sie nach Hause gegangen. 
  • infolge: Infolge deUnwettersind wir zu Hause geblieben. 

C1 Level 6    


  • allerdings: Das Wetter ist schlecht, allerdings gehen wir in den Park. 
  • Trotz: Trotz meiner starken Erkältung, gehe ich zur Arbeit. 
  • Ungeachtet: Ungeachtet des schlechten Wettergehen wir in den Park. 

C1 Level 7  


  • Zwecks: Zwecks frühzeitiger Ankunft fahren wir mit dem Auto.
  • Zu: Zum Schutz unseres Klimabauen wir mehr Elektroautos. 
  • Für: Für einfrühzeitigAnkunft fahren wir mit dem Auto.

C1 Level 8    


  • Im Falle: Im Falle sinkender Verkaufszahlen wird Personal entlassen. 
  • Bei: Bei einer Autofahrt höre ich Podcasts.
  • Durch: Durch den Fall der Verkaufszahlen muss Personal entlassen werden. 

C1 Level 9  


  • folglich: Die Frist ist sehr kurzfristig, folglich müssen wir Überstunden machen. 
  • Infolge: Infolge der kurzfristigen Frist müssen wir Überstunden machen. 
  • Infolge von: Infolge von der kurzfristigen Frist müssen wir Überstunden machen. 

C1 Level 10  


  • jedoch: Mein deutscher Arbeitskollege Peter arbeitet oft 10 Stunden pro Tag, jedoch mache ich immer nach genau 8 Stunden Feierabend. 
  • Im Gegensatz zu: Im Gegensatz zu meiner Auffassung haben wir das Projekt auf Eis gelegt. 
  • Entgegen: Entgegen den meisten meiner Kollegen mache ich pünktlich Feierabend.

C1 Level 11  


  • Mittels: Mittels moderner Technologie könnten in Zukunft viele Probleme gelöst werden. Der Erwerunserer Produkte erfolgt mittels eineinnovativen Onlineprozesses
  • Durch: Der Erwerunserer Produkte erfolgt durch einen innovativen Onlineprozess. 
  • Mit: Der Erwerunserer Produkte erfolgt mit eineinnovativen Onlineprozess.

C1 Level 12  


  • Gleich nach: Gleich nach dem Versenden meiner letzten Email an den Kunden mache ich Feierabend. 
  • Bis zu: Bis zu dem Versenden meiner letzten Email an den Kunden mache ich nicht Feierabend. 
  • Bei: Achte auf die richtige Betreffzeile beim Versand deiner Email an den Kunden. 

C1 Level 13  


  • Genitive relative pronouns: Das Kinddessen Vater telefonisch nicht zu erreichen ist, muss sofort operiert werden. 
  • Relative pronouns for “phrasal verbs”: Die Projekte, an denen wir arbeiten, haben eine Frist. 
  • Relative pronouns for complete sentences: Manch ein Kollege feiert oft krank, was der schweren Arbeit zuzuschreiben ist. 

C1 Level 14  


  • After a “short” vowel we write “ss”: Fluss, müssen, muss, Stress 
  • After a long vowel we write “ß”: Fußball, Grüße, groß 
  • Daytime used after gestern, heute, morgen are written in uppercase: morgen Abend, heuten Morgen, gestern Nachmittag 
  • Common mistakes are commas after a “pause” whereas in German we do NOT put a comma: Gestern (no comma) war ich zu Hause. Letztes Jahr (no comma) haben wir noch in Indien gelebt. 
  • We put a colon before direct speech: Der Minister sagte“Wir müssen eine Lösung finden.”   

C1 Level 15  


  • Passiv: Ich wurde auf der Arbeit befördert. Ich bin auf der Arbeit befördert worden.
  • Konjunktiv: Hätte ich im Lotto gewonnenwäre ich mit einem Ferrari gefahren.

The C1 Module includes:

For each of the 15 lessons in C1 you’ll get access to:

  • A 50-minute "Key Learning" podcast I’ve recorded with another student so you can internalise those weird German structures listening to another student who is at the exact same level, going through the same challenges and learning at the same pace as you
  • A 3-page PDF Cheat sheet so you can quickly recap the complete lesson not with stilted linguistic explanations but in plain English
  • A 50-minute "Pro Vocab" podcast where I go through approx. 20 new "Business expressions" per lesson, explaining and dissecting them, and putting them into context with sample sentences so you can grow your vocabulary while commuting to work
  • A PDF Cheat sheet so you can quickly recap the complete vocab list and some sample sentences
  • A 50-minute "Key Learning Technique" podcast where you'll "learn how to learn" as an advanced student by following me and other advanced students along how we discuss real German articles and media.
  • Two 50-minute "Speak like a native" podcasts on "Business German" with real "Business Germans" so you can learn to "Speak like a Native"
  • A 50-minute "German mit Dan" podcast with my "star" student Dan from previous Modules where you'll learn advanced German from someone who knows exactly what it is like to learn German and to go through the Herr Professor learning system

Special Goethe exam preparation package for your official C1 exam  

At C1 Level 15 you'll get a complete guide to walk you through a sample C1 Goethe exam.

I've included a special podcast series with another student to guide you step-by-step through a sample mock exam and the exercises for the reading, listening, writing and speaking part.

In the complete C1 Module, there are 75+ hours of listening material, 60+ pages of cheat sheets to learn 60+ advanced structures and 300+ advanced business expressions.

Exclusive access to the Herr Professor podcast app 

Since one key component of the program are the podcasts you'll be listening to while commuting, while exercising, while having breakfast, you should be able to listen to those podcasts the most convenient way.

That's why you'll get access to our Herr Professor podcast app so you can listen to your podcasts at anytime and any place.

Lifetime Access and everything downloadable 

All these resources and materials like podcasts and sheets are downloadable so you can access them at any time and any place from any device.

And best of all, you’ll get lifetime access to the material so you can learn at your own pace and refer back to everything, whenever you want.

Special Bonus: Get 1on1 access to me on a weekly basis

One of the hardest challenges to learning German is doing it on your own.

  • What do you do when you have questions about the program or the German language?
  • What if you get stuck?
  • How do you stay motivated?
  • Who can you reach out to?

This is tough!

Every student is highly motivated in the beginning, but as we all know, motivation depletes over time.

Even with a step-by-step plan, questions arise.

Every student is different. Every person is different.

How can you get feedback on YOUR questions based on YOUR situation?

Now you can.

Let's go through the process together!

In our weekly Live Zoom Calls you'll get 1on1 access to me for help learning German.

The Live Calls are just part of it: Get support and accountability on a daily basis

You'll get access to my private Student's Community for premium students only.  

You'll meet other students at all levels like beginners, intermediate and advanced learners and be part of an engaging community, all on the same journey to help each other.

In this group I'll answer any question you have about this weird German language.

I even go one step further and will make sure to keep you motivated, inspired and challenged EVERY DAY so you are on the right track with your German. 

What is the cost of the Program?

The course includes two modules, B2 and C1.  

The cost for both modules is 597€ if you pay in full or 6 x 124€ if you choose the 6-month payment plan.

Both Modules are divided into 30 Lessons, 15 for B2 and 15 for C1.

You'll pay less than 20€/Lesson, with everything included that I mentioned before and lifetime access to your material. 

That's half the price of what you pay for any Goethe course. 

And I guarantee you, my program is 10x better than any Goethe course.

Do I bet on this? YES!

Try 4 complete lessons for 30 days and if you're not seeing results or you don't like my program, send me an email and I refund your money. 

No questions asked.

You can pay in full or choose a payment plan of 6 monthly instalments.

Join NOW for only 6 Monthly Instalments of 124€ 


Click here to Save 147€ - Pay In Full

(That's less than 20€/Lesson)

If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email me at manuel@herrprofessor.com.

I'm happy to help.

An UNBEATABLE Guarantee. Try my course for a full 30 days, 100% Risk-Free

My goal is to help my students achieve their German learning goals and I am completely confident I can do that. I’ve actually done it with dozens of students over the years and based this course on best academic research on language learning and rigorously tested all my methods.

But I also know that my approach and my materials might not fit YOUR unique situation or learning style.

So I think that it’s my obligation to make you a fair offer:

In your first 30 days you’ll get access to 4 full lessons (Level 1-4) with the complete materials.

I want you to try them out and if you’re not satisfied with the quality of the material and your progress I insist that you get 100% of your money back. No questions asked. Just sent me an email at any time during the 30 days.

So first try 4 complete lessons and then decide if this course is right for you.

Here’s what other Expats say about my course

Dan, Computer Science Student at RWTH Aachen (Germany)

--- TDN5 (C1) passed with 100% ---

“My goal was to reach level B2-C1 in all four skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking) in 2 years starting from scratch.

“From Zero to C1” was exactly what I was looking for. Transparent structure and a clear promise: 45 lectures to B1, another 15 to B2, another 15 to C1.

I just went through the modules A1/A2/B1 and B2 and I’ve achieved the level of confidence and comprehension I could have never foreseen, let alone in two years’ learning time. In most situations I feel just as comfortable with German as I do with English, even though I have been learning the latter for more than 12 years now. 

I’ve also passed the official TestDaF exam with the best score in all four parts (5555), so I reached TDN5, compatible with a C1.2 (advanced C1 level) in less than 2 years.” 

Anna, Statistician working in the Pharma Industry in Basel (Switzerland)

--- C1 passed with 88% in Speaking ---

“Before I had tried classes at the local VHS (huge classes and painfully slow), and lessons with a private teacher (really only conversation) but I got stuck at an A2-B1 level for years and couldn’t seem to progress.

In "From Zero to C1" I really liked being able to go through the modules and see/feel that I was making progress with each step. Rather than just showing up for a class for months on end and not really feeling like I was learning anything. 

Riyas, Technical Consultant atSEG Automotive Germany GmbH in Stuttgart (Germany)

--- B2 passed with 100% in Speaking ---

“The biggest challenge was to find the right course for me. I liked the comfort provided by the course in my office but I was not making progress the way I expected. I was searching for a course which would improve my confidence in speaking German.

The classroom training was more book-oriented. I don’t have anything against that approach but I just feel it doesn’t suit me. Even after many classes I was finding it difficult to understand the basics of Akkusativ and Dativ. 

Now after doing many courses with Herr Professor, I cannot imagine myself in a classroom training which focuses only on a book.

Now I am able to write error-free (almost) Emails in my office. I can attend calls in German and clearly communicate and understand what is being spoken in the call. I have conversations with my colleagues in German. My work meetings are now in German. I manage to explain almost everything in German. When it gets really complicated, I switch to English for a short while and then I switch back to Deutsch.”

Marco, Supply Chain Planner at 3M in Bern (Switzerland)

--- B2 passed with 90% in Speaking ---

"I tried to start on my own, for fun, and I never wanted to enroll in a school because lessons are not very flexible. I didn’t have time for that.

But learning German alone is a big burden. Grammar books are overwhelming and I felt that something was missing: a structured course. But at the same time I didn’t have the time to follow the rigid schedule of a school.

I needed something I could learn during my long  hours of commuting to the office, and training at the gym. Schools after work were not an option.

HerrProfessor’s Course filled the gap.

I could quickly and effectively internalize German rules with PDFs of 7-8 pages with simple and effective examples. And around them many other tools like podcasts, flashcards, Fluency-tests , 2 mins exercises, FB community amazingly helped me in the learning process.

I learned German, but I also learned the method and I found out why the traditional ways  (focus on Grammar rules, infinite lists of verbs and words without context, etc.) are not effective when learning a language.

My german improved quickly, I noticed people stopped switching to English when speaking with me: I could understand them and they could understand me. The conversation was finally flowing. I also passed the B2-Goethe Exam, which is highly recognized in Universities, working environments, schools."

Francisco, Civil Engineer living in Stuttgart (Germany)

“The difficulty of the German language is undeniable and to study it, I tried every method available because my professional and personal future depended on it. I went to the VHS (Volkshochschule) in Germany, I bought books, listened to the radio, watched TV and did also tandems with natives…but the fact that Manuel is totally bilingual Spanish-German and an engineer himself makes a difference to all the methods and teachers I had before. 

Since I started to work with Manuel's program I noticed a boost that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. It always felt especially difficult to manage the conversation with native speakers. In our job-meetings, I usually started the presentations in German but as soon as I faced some difficulties I switched to English. Sometimes you get to this point where you think they don’t understand you or even for yourself it’s hard to understand and follow the conversation. 

With Manuel’s help, I could improve my business communication in just a few months. I’ve noticed an important change in our last meeting when I got again this feeling of insecurity and I wanted to switch the conversation to English but it was the first time that my German colleague looked at me and said: “Please continue in German, we understand you perfectly.” This feeling was really satisfying and gave me a lot of confidence.”  

You still have some concerns? Then let me address them.

This course is right for you if:

  • You are an advanced student who has already or has clearly the potential to pass an official B2 exam
  • You somehow find yourself in a plateau to move forward towards the upper C1/C2 levels
  • You’re a busy professional and will live in a German-speaking country long-term and you want to solve your “German problem” parallel to your job and personal life in a progressive and structured way
  • You feel like you've gotten as far as you can on your own and are ready for a guided structured program to succeed in German
  • You don’t have the time, energy and patience to attend traditional language school classes and instead, want a program that is adapted to your needs
  • You’re looking for a program that can fast-track your German in the most efficient way integrating it into your busy everyday life

This course is NOT right for you if:

  • You're at an intermediate level and have just passed an official B1 exam
  • You have an intermediate level but find yourself in a plateau to get to B2 because you feel that the foundation is still not set in a way that makes it easier to progress to the next level and you feel stuck, with the usage of basic structures like accusative and dative endings, pronouns, and prepositions or even A2 structures like sub-clauses, relative clauses, passive voice, phrasal verbs and subjunctive
  • You just want some quick and easy results
  • You're looking for a magic bullet (a program that spits out German words from your mouth) without putting in the work that goes into learning a language.
  • You can’t commit to a minimum of 1-2 hours a week to improve your German

Frequently asked questions about the course

How is the course structured?

The course is divided into 2 Modules: B2 and C1. Each Module consists of 15 Levels. You will start the course at Module B2 and then continue with C1. 

What is the cost of the program?  

The cost is 597€ if you pay in full or 6 x 124€ if you choose the 6-month payment plan.

Can I just purchase B2 or C1?

No. B2 and C1 form an indivisible package of 30 lessons where we'll cover the complete German grammar curriculum from A1 to C2. 

Do I need any additional materials like a course book?

No, you’ll find EVERYTHING in my course. As for additional external resources like a course book, extra exercises, etc., I’ll show you the best resources available, where you can find them and how you can get the most out of them without having any extra cost.

How much time do I need to complete the 15 lessons of this B2 or C1 Module?

Over the course of 30 weeks, you’ll get access to 30 thorough lessons.

Each week I’ll be opening a new lesson where you’ll be able to learn key structures and vocabulary to become better and better at expressing yourself. 

In the beginning, it might be enough to put just 25 minutes aside every day to go through the first lessons. Later, depending on each lesson and your understanding, it might take you more time, maybe 1 hour a day. Some of my students have phases where they manage to go through one lesson in a week and other times where they may need a month or even more. It depends on your workload, whether you are traveling or on vacation.  

My program will allow you to learn at your own pace, depending on your current situation and needs. At each point, you’ll know exactly where you are and what the next step is and as you progress you’ll get a feeling of what YOUR right pace is.

Can I go faster with your program than 1 lesson per week?

I will suggest in the program a pace of one level a week based on my experience with my student Dan who is featured in the program (He went from Zero to C1+ in 2 years with that pace). But you’ll be able to set YOUR own pace.

I’ll just ask you to bear with me in the first days to go in detail through your first lesson. Not so much to learn new grammar details but to learn exactly how the program is structured, where you can find everything and how my learning system works. After that, show me that you're doing all the exercises and we can check in at any time and adjust the pace to YOUR needs.

What level do I need to be fluent and confident in my job?

To be really confident and fluent in a business setting you’ll need at least a C1 Level.

Does this program also include Live Calls?

Yes, I hold weekly live Zoom Q&A Calls (usually one at noon (12:00) and one in the evening (20:00) between Monday and Friday) where I answer 1on1 all your questions about the program or the German language.

My company supports language courses. Can you help me with this?

Yes. Many of my students get their German learning sponsored by their companies. 

If you think about it, it's actually more of an investment than an expense for the company. 

It's a win-win-win situation:

You win because your German improves. The company wins because now your knowledge and skills can be expanded onto other products, and services and shared with more clients.

The new clients you can contact now win because your expertise is now available to them through the language.

If you’re not sure whether your company is open for such an investment, the best thing for you to do is simply ask them in a genuine way.

Be proactive and ask them instead of waiting for them to approach you.

Here's a simple script you might want to use to ask your boss or the HR department.

Hi Peter,

I was thinking about improving my German language skills in order to be more valuable in the long run for my colleagues, my clients, and the company.

I'm committed to taking this seriously and obtaining tangible results as soon as possible.

I've already checked some possibilities to find the best option to integrate into my busy working schedule.

I already tested some online courses that would fit these requirements well.

Before making a decision on which course to start, I just wanted to know if the company would be open to investing in this.

On my end, I would of course, agree for my progress to be measured according to an official language standard like the CEFR.

I'm starting almost from scratch but my goal is to get to an advanced C1 level in less than 2 years. My first milestone is to get to an official B1 level in one year.

Is this something you could assist me with?



Worst case scenario: you'll get a no. Best case scenario: the company pays you to learn German and everyone wins.

Manuel, how do I know if this program is right for me?  

I don't know either, but actually, you'll only find out if my Program is right for you if you give it a try and test it for yourself. My Program comes with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee; No Questions Asked. So, try my Program for a full 30 Days and then decide if it's right for you. What's the worst thing that can happen? Give it a try!

What would it feel like to become more and more fluent and confident with your German one month from now, 6 months from now and 1 year from now?

In the beginning, it might be that you start to have small talks with your neighbors:

"Es ist sehr kalt heute. Wir wollen heute mit unseren Kindern zu Hause bleiben. Was macht ihr heute?" (Today it's very cold. We wanted to stay at home with our children. What are you going to do?) 

Then you talk with your colleagues about what you did last weekend:

"Am Wochenende haben wir Freunde in Basel besucht. Wir haben sie in Kanada vor 5 Jahren kennengelernt." (This weekend we visited some friends in Basel. We got to know them in Canada 5 years ago.)

After a time you can discuss certain topics with your colleagues and defend your point of view:

"Ich finde, dass Kinder heutzutage viel zu viel mit dem Handy spielen und dass es nicht gut für ihre Entwicklung ist." (I think that nowadays children play way too much with cell phones and that's not good for their development.)

You still might not feel comfortable to speak at a business level but you will understand more and more of what they are talking about in those meetings in German.

And finally you’ll grow your confidence and start interacting actively in a business setting and will even be able to give a presentation.

“Ich möchte Ihnen in dieser Präsentation drei Wege aufzeigen, wie wir mit Produktinnovationen neue Potenziale erschließen und auch unsere internationale Expansion vorantreiben können.” (I want to show you in this presentation 3 ways of how we can develop new opportunities and further our international expansion with product innovations.) 

If staying in a German-speaking country is a long-term project for you, your best moment to start consistently learning German might have been months or even years ago.

But your second best moment is NOW!

Once you reach a certain level it gives you so many new opportunities:

  • You can integrate better in the neighborhood and city you’re living 
  • It’s easier to leave the expat bubble and get to know new native German/Swiss/Austrian friends. (They are really not that weird :-)
  • You can more than double your career opportunities just by knowing this new language, which happens to be native to the people you’re doing business with.

Having the right learning system will give you a constant sense of progress towards your goal, without stagnation, without wasting energy and saving you months or even years down the road.

My learning program will guide you, hold you accountable and focus on the important things at each step of the way.

I’ve built this course over years and I’ve spend hours and hours creating this material and fine tuning it with my students.

You won’t find this type of material anywhere else.

You can go through the program at your own pace knowing exactly where you are at each moment. You can start putting aside just 1-2 hours per week and then adjust it to your schedule, speeding up when you have more time and slowing down when you’re too busy.

Remember, all materials are downloadable and accessible at any time and any place. And you have lifetime access to go through it at your own pace.

Start solving your German problem TODAY!

Join NOW for only 6 Monthly Instalments of 124€ 

Click here to Save 147€ - Pay In Full

(That's less than 20€/Lesson)

If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email me at manuel@herrprofessor.com.

I'm happy to help.

Take action NOW and take your German to the next Level as these students have done:

Sajida Ph.D., Scientist at Preclinics GmbH in Potsdam (Germany)

--- B2 passed with 100% in Speaking ---

“I just did a short A1 course in Pakistan before coming to Germany and also didn’t complete that one. After coming to Germany I just learned a little bit by talking to people. The real challenge I faced was when I started my job after completing my Ph.D. where I had a setback of not knowing German which resulted in lack of communication or even sometimes mis-communication.

Lack of time was the main issue. I just had 7 weeks to prepare for my B1 exam and later 8 weeks for the B2 exam, and this all I had to do with full-time work and family life. 

With “From Zero to C1” I can now communicate much better at work which was one of the problems which I wanted to solve. This communication does not just include verbal communication but also written ones. I write now my emails in German to communicate with different ’’ Behörde’’ here in Germany.

Above all, I passed my B1 and B2 exams and that too in 5 months in total which was actually unbelievable for me to achieve.”

Alexey, Director of Growth Europe at Unibrands in Berlin (Germany)

--- B2 passed with 87% in Speaking ---

“I’ve studied German in Goethe in Moscow (2004 from A1 till B1) and then had 0 practice till I moved to Berlin in 2015. I had a few classes here and there, tried Goethe again, but didn’t find what I needed: a structured approach that entitles everything and binds all together -> active listening, reading, writing and speaking.

My challenge was finding time for 3×1.5 hours of lessons a week + doing homework. I’m constantly traveling for work and I need flexibility.

I had 2 goals: pass the B2 Certificate exam and get fluent in German, so that I could express myself in any life situation.

The big difference between “From Zero to C1” and other programs is that the rules of language I struggled with before (cases, adjective endings, etc.) were explained in a very easy-to-understand manner. I felt like I’ve been wasting time before going to standard German classes.”

Aravind, Embedded System Software Developer for Robotic Vision systems at Siemens Logistics in Konstanz (Germany)

--- B2 passed with 91% in Speaking ---

“Learning German grammar is challenging, especially adjective endings, genitive etc. Also the double meaning of certain words is really challenging (eg : gehören- belong,hear).

At first when I saw the advertisement of the program “From Zero to C1” I was skeptical about this course as I do not have direct contact with the Teacher. But my belief changed once I started hearing the podcasts. It is the part which evoked my interest to learn German through this program. It is interesting to hear actual life situations of other students.

Now, I can express my ideas and thoughts in German. The “language barrier” problem is solved. I could have a half an hour phone call with the official German authorities who speak only in German like Arbeitsagentur.

I could express myself efficiently during several interviews for Software Developer jobs that were completely in German. Even after completing A2 level in this course, I could manage German job interviews.”

Matt, Senior Manager at AMD in München (Germany)

--- B2 passed just learning till B1 Module --- 

"Before, I had tried just about everything. Classes with Goethe and Berlitz, Duolingo, Lingq, and just working within the culture. All of those methods can help, but I never really clicked with any of them.

My biggest challenge has always been fear. Blinding fear of making a giant mistake that, for example, might cause the heating oil truck to dump 3000 liters of oil into the wrong basement (which doesn’t have a tank). Or calling Vodafone or Telekom, asking them to upgrade your service and finding that they understood you to mean “cancel the service” and you’re out of internet for 4 months. Or filling out the wrong form in the wrong way, mistaking one giant word for another. The list can go on and on. 

I’ve meandered through German for 10 years, and this is the first program that actually got me to a demonstrable achievement level. The structure of the program (15 lessons with 15 topics which cover the grammar bones of whole language) really helped me break through the grammar hurdles which had stymied me for some time.

I passed the B2 exam and I only studied in depth your B1 material, but because that material was so comprehensive, I went ahead and threw myself at the B2 exam just to see how it would go. My passing grade wasn’t terribly impressive, but considering that I had done no B2 work at all, just passing was a fantastic result."

Prabha, Sr. Software Developer working at Accenture in Frankfurt (Germany)

--- B2 passed 4 months after passing B1 with 92% in Speaking ---

"Before joining “From Zero to C1”, I had attended classroom training. However, with a job it was difficult to spend time and energy on learning but it was mandatory that I learn and speak German to continue with my job. Learning German at this age itself is a big challenge, be it is speaking, writing or understanding.

I was looking for a program which is convenient for me, where I can learn as per my time preference. No matter if I am on vacation or at the office or at home.

The big difference between Herr Professor and other programs or rather the way I was learning is the structure of the program. Both grammar and vocabulary were well taken care of and going hand in hand. However, with other programs I would say either it is grammar 1st or vocabulary 1st.

With “From Zero to C1” so far I have achieved self confidence in speaking. Now I am participating in German discussions, trying to talk to clients and teammates in German, of course not fluently, but I am sure in few months I can achieve that too. And of course, I achieved my first milestone, passing the official B1 Goethe exam.

Just 4 months later I even tried the B2 exam since my situation required a B2 certificate and I was able to pass it as well."

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